Brow Highlighting Abuse…a Hate Story

As a makeup junky I love checking out trends, new and old. However, I just can’t get with this pandemic of over-highlighting! UGH. Have you ever checked out a website or magazine and seen a celebrity that looked like they had a weird hyper-pigmented halo around their eyes or eyebrows (due to brow highlighting, or eye highlighting)? I’m sure you have. It looks a little something like…

Rihanna Highlight


Or like…



Or like…


I’m no makeup artist so I don’t know why this happens (but professionals should know better). But I’ve noticed that since the YouTube beauty guru boom, more and more every day women are trying their had at the obvious art of highlighting and contouring and failing miserably. It irks me. That is all.

There was absolutely no other reason for this post other then to rant. They say you get what you ask for when you put it out in the universe. So, I’m putting it out there that I really wish this trend would stop. If some professional makeup artists haven’t even figured it out, as clearly evidenced above, then maybe it’s time to STOP IT! Step away from the highlights, selfies and Instagram.