Brown Girls Burlesque Win With Reality TV Satire Show [Photos]

Making Reality

You guys already know, from previous posts, that I ride for Brown Girls Burlesque. I love the satire and comedy in a lot of what they do but also their confidence and the fact that they embrace diversity, especially when it comes to body types. Last Saturday, I attended their newest show, Making Reality TV, a satire about the often tragic world of reality TV, and it was exciting, smart and unique. The well-conceived skits ranged from comical, to thought provoking, to tragic.

Check out some flicks but be warned, some are NSFW:


Guest performer Sister Selvah starred in The Next Sarah Baartman.


Initially, she was excited about objectifying herself for the sake of fame. It was all good until she realized she was being exploited and that the show wasn’t what she was promised it would be…and then she actually learned who Sarah Baartman was.


But the good news is, she came to her senses.


Exhotic Other serves up some hoarder action.




Does Miss Aurora BoobRealis have what it takes to become a top chef amid the backstabbing and sabotage?




Akynos as Peaches Cupcake, a toddler in a tiara who gets too racey for her britches.


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Here, we have Chicava HoneyChild as Ken-Ru (the offspring of Kenya Moore and RuPaul) who starts off as a lovely unique unicorn.


But then the man gets a hold of her and convinces her to become a dancing pony instead. He explains that a sex tape is the ultimate way to become a star. She tries to go through with it but has a change of heart mid filming, which  enrages the man and gets her banished to obscurity.


BGB even got a boy burlesque dancer in on the action. Here’s Jonny Porkpie doing his best in an audition that calls for duck hunters (you know the show lol).



Sister Selva was really funny as the bachelor and the bachelorette.



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But, no matter how ridiculously thirsty people got in their quest for fame…



The man was defeated once everyone came to their senses, and Ken-Ru dashes to the rescue.


P.S. The photos don’t even begin to convey how dope the show was. I have video and I will try to get it edited soon. But int he meantime, Brown Girls Burlesque teaches classes. Visit for more info.

Brown Girls Burlesque Present ‘Making Reality’

Brown Girls Burlesque
Cast of “Making Reality”

The Brown Girls Burlesque has a new show coming up at LIU on April 18 and 19. “Making Reality” is described as a show that laces together the raunchy, tawdry, best (and worst) of Reality TV. This is theatrical burlesque that uses the art of striptease to fuse social commentary with train wrecks built for stardom and mayhem, so you’ll laugh and be titillated.

Here’s the flyer:

Brown Girls Burlesque

sister selva
Miss AuroraBoobRealis
exHOTic Other
Chicava HoneyChild
The Incredible Edible Akynos
Sake Fevah
Jonny Porkpie

In case you couldn’t read the flyer:

When: Friday April 18th & Saturday April 19th
Where: Kumble Theater for the Performing Arts
at LIU Brooklyn

Beyonce x West African Dance Workouts For Killer Abs

Beyonce Abs

I am professing my love for West African dance in this digital space, and hopefully convincing you to take some classes in the genre. I have been obsessed with body isolations and rhythm since I was a child (it’s in my blood), so I was thrilled when I finally started taking African dance classes at age nine. I was a stiff wannabe ballerina until then.

There’s something about drums (especially the djembe) that just moves my soul. I like all types of music but I really need drums to feel it entirely.  A lot of my feelings about West African dance (and music) makes so much more sense to me after having gotten a DNA test that showed me to have ancestry from Ghana/Ivory Coast (the latter being the birthplace of mapouka). Now that I know, I want everyone else to know it too.

Speaking of knowing, I found myself in a conversation with a pole dancing colleague who lamented the fact that she couldn’t twerk and I suggested that she take some African dance classes. Not only is it a fun workout as long as you get out of your head (because there is no counting, you just dance until you hear the break), but it’s great for the abs, for creating better body isolations (which is great for hip-hop and break dancing), and also for your rhythm.

Don’t believe me? Then take it from Beyonce. It has been months since the video for “Grown Woman” began circulating but I am still in love with it because of the African influence (Beyonce also did this with “Run the World Girls”) and I’m sad that no one (outside of my friends and I) seems to care enough to talk about it. So…

Watch the entire video, or skip to the part with the beat switches at 2:35.

Pepsi Exclusive Premiere: Beyoncé Grown Woman… by elhadji91

I got my entire life at 3:50. That type of isolation is not easy, and a reminder that I still have some work to do.

In related news, check out these ladies from the Congo killing it with contemporary-style African dance.

It’s bigger than “twerking.”

Man, listen…

Do this for a few months, eat well and see if your waist doesn’t almost disappear with abs poking out, to boot.

This Beyonce Tap Dance Tribute is Everything!

Chloe Arnold Choreographer

I haven’t tap danced since college but let me tell you, when I did it, I was pretty darn good. Not tooting my horn, just stating the facts! And let me tell you, I think it worked wonders on my calf muscles. But I digress. Enough about me.

These ladies right here…


A choreographer named Chloe Arnold, who seems popular on YouTube, was inspired by Beyonce enough to gather a troupe of women whom she calls “Syncopated Ladies” to tap it out “End of Time.” This is a bad ass tribute. iLive.

There was even a little African in there and someone made wings her bitch–wings is no easy move. I’m beside myself. It’s rare that you see female tap dancers killing it on some contemporary, all up in yo face ish.

I’ve been all pole dance everything lately but this really makes me want to find a tap class and get back in the groove. Pun intended.