Grunty News: Baobab Wellness Hosts Family Fit Brunch in June

Krishna Davenport of Baobab Wellness is a mother, wife, entrepreneur and holds a full time day job yet she still finds time to make sure that she and her family are active and well. She’s sharing that sentiment with other families in June at her Family Fit Brunch.

Here’s a snippet from the press release:

With initiatives like Let’s Move and Eat Well Play Hard, healthier living for children and families is gradually becoming a way of life. The team for online health portal Baobab Wellness is looking to bring some of those healthy solutions to Brooklyn families at the Family Fit Brunch on June 14, 2014, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., at Decatur Middle School, 272 MacDonough Street, in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.
“It’s hard having a career, two kids and other obligations that sometimes force me to skip my workout, and I realized if this made me feel miserable, it was probably true for other parents,” said Krishna R. Davenport, Baobab Wellness founder. While childhood obesity seems to be trending downward, there has been a significant increase in type-2 diabetes in adults and children. Davenport wanted to create an event that would showcase ideas of how to turn healthy eating and physical activity into a family affair.
“I wanted to make working out with your family fun – like a party,” Davenport said. “In New York, there
are day parties that focus on alcohol and largely unhealthy meals. I wanted to use the same foundation, but with a focus on healthy living.”
Family Fit Brunch will feature Zumba, running, healthy cooking demos, Reiki energy massage therapy and much more. Davenport’s philosophy is that working out and eating healthy can be fun, and her goal through this brunch is to help families strengthen their bonds as a unit as they learn how to make better choices about food and living a fulfilling active life.

View the entire press release here where you can scan a QR code to keep up with the event.

Visit www. or for more information about Krishna Davenport and the Family Fit Brunch.
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Starrene Rhett Rocque is a former member of Dumbledore's Army who now enjoys gallivanting at pole, yoga and dance studios. She also occasionally fantasizes about becoming a shotgun-toting b-movie heroine.